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New ‘Intern Insights’ Feature Premieres with ABC Sports Intern Brittney Barnett

Want to know what journalism internships are really about? We've got a new column for you, featuring interviews with fellow journalism students about their real-world internship experiences. Check out our first "Intern Insights" with student Brittney Barnett. Plus, take tell us about your recent internship experience for future columns.
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Associated Press Internships

The Associated Press has just added listings for a paid six-month full-time internship at its New York Health and Science Desk and for a religion intern, in addition to its array of open positions for a Summer 2020 global news general assignment intern in various cities, including New York. Note that the health and science and the religion internships are for December 2019 graduates or for those graduating by summer 2020. Deadline to apply for all Summer 2020 is Dec. 21.