Latest Program News


Course Closeup: Dive into the World of Data Storytelling this Fall

As the COVID-19 pandemic has made clear, data and numbers can tell powerful stories as a key part of the news. But crafting numbers into useful information or a coherent narrative is no easy task. So to help, Hunter’s journalism program next fall is offering a course to ensure that students are well-equipped with the necessary mastery over data-driven storytelling. Find out more or register.
CPJ Zoom

Neighborhood News Students Learn About Online Security, Harassment During COVID-19

Neighborhood News students recently learned how to be safe online in their roles as journalists, thanks to a recent virtual class visit from representatives from the Committee to Protect Journalists. Find out the one thing one visitor wished she had done from the beginning of her journalism career.

Fall Registration Open; Journalism Program Sets Course Schedule

Fall journalism course registration is now open. Be sure to check out the wide range of nearly a dozen electives, including a new Media Ethics course and other electives like news video, podcasting, data journalism and magazine writing. And remember that some elective courses, such as Neighborhood News, may be taken more than once. Get the schedule and resources for fall registration.

Hunter Journalism Students Report Live on Coronavirus

Tune in for our upcoming Contagion Coverage live report, a joint project of the non-profit news organization City Limits and the students of the Hunter College Journalism Program. The news event begins Tuesday, May 5, at 2 p.m. EDT, with our team of a dozen reporters and editors providing up-to-the-minute snapshots of the COVID-19 outbreak and its impacts from all five boroughs.
Sommer Ingram Dean

Journalism Students Learn About Copyright Law in the Age of Covid

Hunter News Now students, short on visuals because they can't report outside their homes, got a crash course in copyright law from Student Press Law Center Staff Attorney Sommer Ingram Dean. She paid a virtual visit to Professor Sissel McCarthy's MEDPL 388 Studio News Production class to teach students the basics. Find out the key to avoiding copyright trouble and what images you can use for free.
Even with social distancing, journalists can readily use social media and trending search reports to not only safely find sources during the coronavirus outbreak, but also to foster relationships in hard-to-reach communities.

The New Normal: Finding Sources From Behind a Screen

Even with social distancing, journalists can readily use social media and trending search reports to not only safely find sources during the coronavirus outbreak, but also to foster relationships in hard-to-reach communities. That was the advice from digital journalist Amara Aguilar, in an April 22 webinar, "Covering the Crisis: Street Reporting Without the Street.” Get more tips and a link to the full webinar.