Journalism Program News

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Join a Talk With ProPublica’s Paul Steiger

ProPublica's executive chairman and founding editor-in-chief, Paul Steiger, will be in conversation with Reg Chua, Reuters Editorial's COO, this Wednesday, March 20, from 6-8 pm at Columbia University School of Journalism (World Room).
Research session for student journalists

Student Reporters Get Pro Research Tips

Hunter College librarian Tony Doyle met with Prof. Sissel McCarthy’s MEDPL 202 Reporting and Writing 2 students on Feb. 28 to take them through all the research tools and resources available to them at their fingertips.
CNN Talent Coach Lenny Bourin with Studio News Production students Michelle Velez and Alonso Espinoza

CNN Talent Coach Comes to Hunter

Award-winning CNN Talent Coach Lenny Bourin visited with students in Prof. Sissel McCarthy’s Studio News Production class last week, sharing his know-how on helping anchors and reporters be their best on camera.
Logo for Hunter College Career Development Services

Career Fair and More This Week

Hunter’s Career Development Services office has several upcoming events of note this week, including programs on building your resume through volunteer work and on preparing for the upcoming career fair, as well as the career fair itself on Friday, March 1.