CNN Correspondent Omar Jimenez spoke with students in Professor Mary Snow’s MEDPL 283: News Video Reporting class in September, sharing his story of becoming a network correspondent within five years of graduating from college.
One of the most important skills to master as a young journalist is the art of the interview, and students in Prof. Sissel McCarthy’s MEDPL 388 Studio News Production class were eager to hone their skills with tips from award-winning broadcast journalist Jane Hanson in early May.
CUNY TV's coverage of the coronavirus pandemic recently featured several Hunter Journalism and other students. Journalism students Emilia Nygren, Kalli Siringas and Shanel Thompson all appeared on the educational TV station's "Crisis in Motion" tv specials this past April and May, sharing their experience with distance learning and post-grad job hunting amidst a recession. Check out the videos.
Veteran news producer Phil Rosenbaum, who produces stories for more than 200 network affiliates of CBS News, met virtually with Studio News Production students, and shared editing tips, industry insight and internship advice. Find out more about his recent visit.
Former CNN reporter Mary Snow, during a recent virtual visit, taught Hunter News Now Students an important lesson about a journalist’s job during an emergency. Find out what it was and learn more about her virtual class visit.
With face-to-face reporting still unsafe during the COVID-19 outbreak, remote video interviewing has become a “key tool in our arsenal," according to journalists and videographers during an April 6 Zoom training webinar. Get tips and tricks for conducting professional web video interviews.
A makeup artist who works with celebrity journalists and the stars visited Studio News Production class last week to teach journalism students how to apply high definition makeup as their first Hunter News Now newscast approaches. Get his top tips, plus a discount.
Hunter News Now students honed their anchoring skills last week with on-air talent coach Lennart Bourin in preparation for their first newscast on March 11. Learn what Bourin, a 40-year industry veteran, tells professional anchors and reporters going on air.
CNN videographer Michael Fequiere came to Prof. Sissel McCarthy’s Studio News Production class last week to talk about his work and to offer advice about visual storytelling. Get his top tips.
News12 multimedia journalist Emily Lorsch gave Hunter News Now students tips on visual storytelling last week. See what's on her checklist for producing a compelling video report.
Want to know what journalism internships are really about? We've got a new column for you, featuring interviews with fellow journalism students about their real-world internship experiences. Check out our first "Intern Insights" with student Brittney Barnett. Plus, take tell us about your recent internship experience for future columns.
Students from Hunter’s Online Journalism class got a window into the inner workings of CBS Interactive on Oct. 16, along with insightful career and networking advice, thanks to a tour of its operations and an afternoon of meetings with senior executives and news producers. Find out the top tips they heard about succeeding in the profession.
Recent Hunter grad Chelsea Narvaez recounts how the tragic day that left 17 high school students dead in the Parkland, Fla., shooting, led her and the team at CBS News program 48 Hours to produce a powerful, Emmy Award-winning documentary to tell the story of the survivors.
Lloyd Siegel, a 44-year veteran journalist of NBC News, visited Professor Sissel McCarthy’s Studio News Production class and offered praise for the latest Hunter News Now show.
News 12 Brooklyn’s multimedia journalist Emily Lorsch offered MEDPL 202 Reporting and Writing 2 students tips on working under pressure and on deadline during a classroom visit on April 8.