Journalism Program News

Students tour Bloomberg News

Hunter Students Visit Bloomberg HQ

Students in Prof. Sissel McCarthy’s news literacy class toured Bloomberg’s headquarters on Dec. 9 and met with Hunter alum Mike Nizza, the executive editor of
ProPublica's Eric Umansky speaking to Hunter College news literacy told students.

ProPublica Journalist Shares Fact-Checking Skills With Students

Senior ProPublica editor Eric Umansky spoke to Hunter news literacy students on Nov. 14 about verifying information, using his own experience investigating an incident involving the New York Police Department on Halloween as a teachable moment. Find out what happened that night and what tools he used to gather details.
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Seats Available for Studio News Production Class Next Spring

If you are an aspiring anchor, reporter or producer, seats are still available for this spring's MEDPL 388: Studio News Production (Wednesdays, 10:10 a.m. to 1 p.m.). Learn more about the signing up for the class, which teaches you how to anchor and produce a live newscast for the Hunter community.

Journalism Director Addresses Growing Threats to Reporters

Hunter College Journalism Program Director Sissel McCarthy kicked off an Association of Foreign Correspondents USA inaugural awards and scholarship ceremony at the Roosevelt House on Nov. 4 with a speech about the growing threat to journalism and journalists here and abroad. Here's what she asked listeners to do about it.
Award-winning reporter Susan Ferriss, at center, with Hunter College students and faculty, at an Oct. 29 luncheon. PHOTO: Crystal Rand

Award-winning reporter meets with Hunter journalism students

Susan Ferriss, a senior reporter at the non-profit investigative news operation Center for Public Integrity, met with a select group of a dozen Hunter College journalism students to share insight from her years within the news business. Get inside tips about her investigative techniques and her advice to aspiring journalists.
The legacy of broadcast journalism legend Mike Wallace was the subject of a Hunter College panel featuring CBS News producer Bob Anderson (above left) and Avi Belkin (middle), documentary filmmaker. Journalism Professor David Alm (at right) moderated the Nov. 6 discussion. PHOTO: Kalli Siringas

CBS News Icon A Focus Of Screening, Panel

CBS News legend Mike Wallace was the subject of a documentary film screening and panel organized by the Journalism Program on Nov. 6, and featuring filmmaker Avi Belkin and CBS News veteran producer Bob Anderson. Learn what Wallace's legacy is for young journalists today and get advice for students from Anderson. Plus, watch full video of the panel.

Student News Site, The Envoy, Is Revived

The Hunter College student news web site, The Envoy, has been relaunched. A team of students revived the publication in early November after a hiatus of a year or more. Find out what topics the site is reporting on.

Aronson Awards Ceremony Celebrates Social Justice Journalism

Hunter College hosted its annual showcase of award-winning social justice journalism on Oct. 29, with CUNY Chancellor Felix V. Matos Rodriquez headlining the Aronson Awards program. Hunter journalism student Maria Luisa Imbachi was singled out as the 2019 Aronson Undergraduate award winner in part for her work covering issues facing undocumented students. Check out the other winners and get additional highlights from the program.
News literacy expert Howard Schneider.

News Literacy Expert Visits Hunter College

Students in Professor Sissel McCarthy’s MEDIA 211 class learned all about bias, fairness and balance in the news media from one of the nation’s preeminent scholars on news literacy, during a guest lecture on Oct. 24. Find out what three questions he urged students to ask when consuming news.
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Social Media & Journalism Workshop Set for Nov. 7

Join a Nov. 7 workshop that teaches how to integrate social media into your journalism. The workshop is being organized by The Society of Professional Journalists and the Facebook Journalism Project, and taught by udience engagement and homepage editor at the New York Daily News. RSVP here.