Media Major/Minor

Film Major/Minor | Media Major/Minor | Graduating with Honors | Course Catalog

The Department of Film and Media Studies‚ Media Studies major combines theoretical perspectives and practical production experience to provide students with a thorough understanding of the media and of their creative potential as media makers.

The major is composed of required and elective courses in media analysis and production for a total of 36 credits. The Department offers a General Media Studies Major or students may elect to major in an area of concentration. The concentrations are Media Analysis and Criticism, Documentary and Television Production, Journalism, Emerging Media. Just as with the the General Media Major each concentration is 36 credits, however the curriculum has been tailored to help the student develop greater specialization in the area of concentration. Please click the General Media Major or any of the four concentrations to learn about the course of study.

General Media Studies (36 credit major)

General Media Studies Major requirements are 9 introductory credits, 9 required analytical courses, 18 elective analytical or production credits for a total of 36 credits. Analytical courses have the prefix MEDIA; production courses have the prefix MEDP or MEDPL. Up to two courses may be taken from the Film major to count toward a Media major. Analytical film classes have the prefix FILM, and film production classes have the prefix FILMP or FILPL.

9 Introductory Credits

  • MEDIA 180 Introduction to Media Studies
  • MEDPL 150 Visual Communication & Interactive Design (prereq or coreq MEDIA 180)
  • FILMP 160 Media and Film in a Digital Age 2 (prereq MEDIA 180)

9 Required Analytical Credits

Any 200- and 300-level MEDIA courses may be used to meet this requirement. Any 200- or 300- level FILM counts toward this requirement as well, though students may only count up to 6 credits total of FILM, FILMP, FILPL classes toward the major. Fill in the course number and title.

  1. _____________
  2. _____________
  3. _____________

18 Elective Analytical or Production Credits

These may be any 200- or 300-level MEDIA, MEDP or MEDPL courses. Any 200- or 300-level FILM, FILMP or FILPL course counts toward this requirement as well, though students may only count up to 6 credits total of FILM, FILMP or FILPL classes toward the major. Fill in the course number and title.

  1. _____________
  2. _____________
  3. _____________
  4. _____________
  5. _____________
  6. _____________

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Media Analysis and Criticism (36 credit major)

The media analysis concentration develops critical thinking in students and offers students in-depth understanding of the field of media studies. It includes the study of Media Representations and Media Industries, Technologies and Policies. Analytical courses have the prefix MEDIA; production courses have the prefix MEDP or MEDPL.

9 Introductory Credits

  • MEDIA 180 Introduction to Media Studies
  • MEDPL 150 Visual Communication & Interactive Design (prereq or coreq MEDIA 180)
  • FILMP 160 Media and Film in a Digital Age 2 (prereq MEDIA 180)

18 Required Analytical Credits
Analytical courses in 2 categories, as outlined below.

  • Media Representations - 9 Credits from the following:
    • MEDIA/FILM 227 - Representations of Race & Ethnicity in US Media
    • MEDIA 271 - Television Culture
    • MEDIA 280 - Understanding New Media
    • MEDIA 284 - Women and Media
    • MEDIA 296 - Topics in LGBTQ Film and Media
    • MEDIA 298.53 - The Horror Film
    • MEDIA 315 - Nonfiction Film & Video
    • MEDIA/FILM 326 - America in American Film & Video
    • MEDIA 332 - Myths & Images in the Media
    • MEDIA 374 - Media, Sports and Society
    • MEDIA 378 - Television Genres
    • MEDIA 397 - Fandom and Television
    • MEDIA 398 - Complex Television Narratives (W)
    • MEDIA 399.31 - Women and Television
  • Media Industries, Technologies and Policies - 9 Credits from the following:
    • MEDIA 211 - News Literacy in a Digital Age (W)
    • MEDIA 214 - Public Relations: Theory and Practice (W)
    • MEDIA 260 - Internet & Society
    • MEDIA 270 - History of Broadcast Radio, Television and Streaming
    • MEDIA 374 - Media, Sports and Society
    • MEDIA 375 - Media and Politics
    • MEDIA 381 - Propaganda and the Mass Media
    • MEDIA 383 - Popular Music and the Music Industry
    • MEDIA 394 - Media and Law in the Digital Age
    • MEDIA 396 - Global Communication

9 Elective Analytical or Production Credits
May be any regular 200 or higher (MEDIA, MEDP, MEDPL, FILM, FILMP or FILPL. Students may only count up to 6 credits total of FILM, FILMP or FILMPL classes toward the major.

  1. _____________
  2. _____________

Full-Time Faculty: I. Pinedo (primary contact), L. Shore (primary contact)

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Documentary and Television Production (36 credit major)

The Documentary and Television Production concentration offers students a solid liberal arts-based education in media production starting with a portfolio approach that helps students define themselves as media makers as they learn various aspects of reality-based media. Courses in non-fiction production, history and theory as well as extensive internship opportunities combine to give students a critical outlook on the media landscape while they develop their career, and pursue concentrations in documentary, experimental media or studio television production.

Analytical courses have the prefix MEDIA; production courses have the prefix MEDP or MEDPL.

9 Introductory Credits

  • MEDIA 180 Introduction to Media Studies*
  • MEDPL 150 Visual Communication & Interactive Design (prereq or coreq MEDIA 180)
  • FILMP 160 Media and Film in a Digital Age 2 (prereq MEDIA 180)

*This course may be counted for credit in more than one program.

9 Required Production Credits

  • MEDP 281 Documentary Video Production I (prereq MEDP 160)
  • MEDPL 290 Developing the Documentary (prereq MEDIA 180 & MEDP 160)
  • MEDP 311 Documentary Video Production II (prereq MEDP 281)
    or MEDP 316 Experimental Production (prereq MEDP 281)
    or MEDP 282 Studio Television Production (prereq MEDP 281)

3 Required Analytical Credits

  • MEDIA 315 Non Fiction Film and Video (prereq Media 180)

9 Elective Production Credits
These may be any regular 200- or 300-level MEDP or MEDPL courses. Any regular 200- or 300-level FILMP and FILPL courses course counts toward this requirement as well, though students may only count up to 6 credits total of FILM, FILMP or FILPL classes toward the major. Fill in the course number and title.

  1. _____________
  2. _____________
  3. _____________

6 Elective Analytical Credits
Two regular analytical courses may be chosen from any analytical (MEDIA or FILM) offering, however it is strongly recommended that students consider analytical courses in relation to their area of production. Any 200- or 300-level FILM course counts toward this requirement, though students may only count up to 6 credits total of FILM, FILMP or FILPL classes toward the major. Fill in the course number and title.

  1. _____________
  2. _____________

Full-Time Faculty: K. Anderson (primary contact), T. Gold, L. Martin, S. Thakur, M. Gitlin

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Journalism (36 credit major)

The journalism concentration offers a liberal arts approach to reporting and writing multimedia news. Students will learn to gather and report information through research, observation, and interviews, and then write clear and compelling stories enhanced by photography, video, audio, and social media elements. In addition to a toolkit for newsgathering and multimedia story production, they will learn how to evaluate the credibility of any news story through the study of news literacy and gain a critical perspective through courses that offer a critical analysis of media.

Analytical courses have the prefix MEDIA. Production courses have the prefix MEDP or MEDPL.
Writing Intensive courses have a W in parenthesis following the course title.

12 Introductory Credits

  • MEDIA 180 Introduction to Media Studies*
  • MEDPL 150 Visual Communication & Interactive Design (Prereq or coreq MEDIA 180)
  • FILMP 160 Media and Film in a Digital Age 2 (Prereq MEDIA 180)
  • MEDIA 211 News Literacy in a Digital Age (W)

*This course may be counted for credit in more than one program.

6 Required Production Credits

  • MEDPL 201 Reporting and Writing 1 (W) (Prereq MEDIA 180)
  • MEDPL 202 Reporting and Writing 2 (W) (Prereq MEDPL 201)

12 Elective Production Credits
Please choose 4 courses from the following

  • MEDPL 239 - Entertainment Journalism (W) (Prereq MEDPL 201)
  • MEDPL 283 - News Video Reporting (Prereq MEDPL 202 and FILMP 160)
  • MEDPL 284 - Radio Reporting and Podcasting (Prereq MEDPL 202)
  • MEDPL 294 - Magazine Writing (W) (Prereq MEDPL 201)
  • MEDPL 295 - Online Journalism (W) (Prereq MEDPL 201)
  • MEDPL 296 - Feature Writing (W) (Prereq MEDPL 201)
  • MEDPL 297 - Data Journalism: Telling Stories with Numbers (Prereq MEDPL 201)
  • MEDPL 372 - Investigative Reporting (W) (Prereq MEDPL 201)
  • MEDPL 377 - Neighborhood News (W) (Prereq MEDPL 201- Can take twice)
  • MEDPL 387 - Mobile Journalism (Prereq MEDPL 202)
  • MEDPL 388 - Studio News Production (Prereq MEDPL 283-Can take twice)

6 Elective Analytical Credits
Students may choose any two analytical courses with the MEDIA prefix. It is recommended that journalism students consider analytical courses related to their concentration. Please fill in the course number and title.

  1. MEDIA _______
  2. MEDIA _______

Full-Time Faculty: S. McCarthy (primary contact), A. Glenn, K. Hunter, G. Morris

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Emerging Media (36 credit major)

The Emerging Media concentration gives students foundational knowledge in the theory and practice of digital media as a creative and investigative form of production. Students in this concentration may specialize in one of three advanced areas: Web Production, Interactive Media Production, and 3D Imaging Production. The curriculum interweaves technical instruction with aesthetic, communicative and cultural production and research to establish a cohesive portfolio.

Analytical courses have the prefix MEDIA; production courses have the prefix MEDP or MEDPL.

9 Introductory Credits

  • MEDIA 180 Introduction to Media Studies
  • MEDPL 150 Visual Communication & Interactive Design (prereq or coreq MEDIA 180)
  • FILMP 160 Media and Film in a Digital Age 2 (prereq MEDIA 180)

12 Required Production Credits
Please choose 4 courses from the following

  • MEDP 234 - Creative Code (prereq MEDPL 150)
  • MEDP 250 - Digital Design and Usability (prereq MEDPL 150)
  • MEDP 260 - Intro to 2D Animation (prereq MEDPL 150 and FILMP 160)
  • MEDP 262 (was 399.50) Motion Graphics (prereq MEDP 250)
  • MEDP 270 - 3D Graphics for Design, Film and AR (prereq MEDP 150)
  • MEDP 276 - XR Design & Development (prereq MEDP 234)
  • MEDP 281 - Documentary Video Production I (prereq FILMP 160)
  • MEDP 285 - Web Production I (prereq MEDPL 150)
  • MEDP 331 - Web Production II (prereq MEDP 285)
  • MEDP 341 - Web Programming (prereq MEDP 234 and 331)
  • MEDP 345 - Web Design Projects (prereq MEDP 331)
  • MEDP 349 - Intro Physical Computing (prereq MEDPL 150 and FILMP 160)
  • MEDP 355 Physical Computing: Interactive Installation (prereq MEDP 234, FILMP 160)
  • MEDP 366 - 3D Character Animation (prereq MEDPL 150, previously MEDP360)
  • MEDP 362 Information Graphics (prereq MEDP 250)
  • MEDP 370 (was 399.09) Game Programming 1 (prereq MEDP 234, 250 & coreq MEDIA 363)
  • MEDP 371 (was 399.10) Game Programming 2 (prereq MEDP 370 previously 399.09)
  • MEDP 365 3D Virtual Environments (prereq MEDPL 150)
  • MEDPL 316 Experimental Production (prereq MEDPL 150 and FILMP 160)

6 Elective Production Credits
May be any regular 200- or 300-level MEDP, MEDPL and/or FILMP, FILPL courses. Only up to 6 credits total of FILM, FILMP or FILPL classes count toward the major. Electives may be selected from the above list. Fill in the course number and title.

  1. _____________
  2. _____________

9 Elective Analytical Credits
May be any regular 200- or 300-level MEDIA and/or FILM courses. Only up to 6 credits total of FILM, FILMP or FILPL classes count toward the major. Fill in the course number and title.

  1. _____________
  2. _____________
  3. _____________

Full-Time Faculty: R. Miranda (primary contact), A. Demirjian, P. Wang

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Media Minor (15 credits) and Double Majors

Media Minor

The Minor in Media Studies consists of five courses for a total of 15 credits. At least one 200-level course and at least one 300-level course are required. The other three courses can be at any level. Internships and independent studies do not count towards the minor. Analytical courses have the prefix MEDIA. Production courses have the prefix MEDP or MEDPL.

Minor declarations are made online via the "Declare a Major, Minor, or Certificate" web page.

5 Elective Analytical (MEDIA) or Production (MEDP or MEDPL) Credits
Please fill in the course number and title. Note that MEDIA 180 is a requirement for all MEDIA and MEDP/FILMP 150 and/or 160 are requirements for many MEDP courses.

  • One 200 level course
  • One 300 level course
  • Course at any level
  • Course at any level
  • Course at any level

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Double Majors

Students may choose to complete a major in the Department of Film and Media Studies and a second major in another department. A student cannot declare a double major in film and media studies. Because of the intensive nature of the production courses in both Film and Media Studies, it is recommended that all students take no more than two production courses per semester.

Journalism Minor (18 credit minor)

Training future journalists to report the news accurately and ethically is essential to the future of the news industry. While a major or minor in journalism is not a prerequisite to work in the news industry, many news organizations do prefer to hire students that have this credential because these employers are familiar with journalism curricula. This minor offers students the opportunity to pursue an 18-credit minor in Journalism, affording them a potentially beneficial credential when seeking internships, fellowships, or jobs with news organizations. The Journalism minor will attract students from other disciplines like Political Science, Urban Studies, and Public Policy that require a foundation in journalism for their expertise. Media Studies majors may earn the Journalism minor and in that event, will be able to count MEDIA 18000 for both the major and the minor.

The minor must be declared in person with an undergraduate media studies adviser. Please refer to the Department's website to find a Media Advisor's contact information and office hours:

12 Required Credits
MEDIA 180 - Introduction to Media Studies
MEDIA 211 - News Literacy in a Digital Age (W)
MEDPL 201 - Reporting and Writing I (W)
MEDPL 202 - Reporting and Writing 2(W)

6 Electives Credits
MEDPL 283 - News Video Reporting
MEDPL 284 - Radio Reporting and Podcasting
MEDPL 294 - Magazine Writing (W)
MEDPL 295 - Online Journalism (W)
MEDPL 296 - Feature Writing (W)
MEDPL 297 - Data Journalism: Telling Stories with Numbers
MEDIA 386 - Media Ethics
MEDIA 498 - Internship
MEDPL 372 - Investigative Reporting (W)
MEDPL 377 - Neighborhood News (W)
MEDPL 388 - Studio News Production
Full-Time Faculty: S. McCarthy (primary contact)

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Honors and Production Seminar (thesis)

To qualify for departmental honors in Film or Media Studies, a student must have a 3.5 grade point average in major courses and a 3.0 grade point average overall. The student must also either complete an Honors Project (FILM or MEDIA 402), approved by the Department Policy and Curriculum Committee, with a grade of A; or a 400-level production or analytical seminar course with a grade of A. See the department website Honors Program  for more information and deadlines.

Production Seminar (thesis)


Analytical Honors

Students seeking Honors in the area of film analysis must complete their Honors Project through FILM 40200 or MEDIA 40200.

To qualify for departmental honors, a student must have a 3.5 grade point average in major courses and a 3.0 grade point average overall.

To register for Honors Project FILM 40200 or MEDIA 40200 a student must submit a Honors Project Proposal and also have a full time faculty sponsor. The sponsor will help the student prepare the project proposal and will guide them through the completion of the project.

The Honors Project Proposal must be approved first by the faculty sponsor and then by the Department Policy and Curriculum Committee.

To gain Honors credit, the student must receive a grade of A when the project is completed.

Please go to the Honors Program tab on the Departmental website for more information, details and proposal deadlines.

Production Thesis for Film and Media Majors (with or without honors credit)

Students who fulfill all necessary requirements may opt to produce a creative production thesis project in the course FilmP 451/MEDP 401.75: Film and Video Production Seminar.

The Film and Media Production Seminar is a yearlong intensive production course in which students complete an advanced short film project; the project can be documentary, narrative or experimental in nature. A limited number of single semester projects may be allowed if they sufficiently narrow in scope and/or if significant preproduction has been accomplished before applying. Screenplays (feature length or TV series) are also allowed as one semester projects.

Film and Video Production Seminar can be used as partial fulfillment of the elective course requirement, or it can be additional to the program’s 36 credits.

Application Process for Film and Video Production Seminar
Admission is by application only and selections are determined by faculty committee.

  • Students must have taken all required courses for their particular thesis mode (narrative, documentary, or screenwriting) before applying.
  • Students must submit a link to sample work.
  • Students may apply and enroll individually (sole creator) or as a creative team (principle creative personnel) for a single project. Applying as a team is especially encouraged for narrative film projects.

Specific requirements and deadlines are listed on the production seminar application form at these links: information (pdf) and application (online form).

Production Thesis for Honors Credit

All media production or screenwriting thesis projects intended for Honors credit must be accomplished through course FilmP 451/MEDP 401.75: Film and Video Production Seminar. The department does not allow film production projects or screenplays through Film/Media 402: Honors Project course, which is for analytical projects only.

Two semester production projects and one semester screenplay projects are eligible for departmental honors. One semester production projects may be eligible for honors credit but require justification on your application.

For a production thesis to be considered for departmental honors you must qualify for honors in all other respects. To qualify for departmental honors in Film and Media Studies, a student must have a 3.5 grade point average in major courses and a 3.0 grade point average overall. The student must also receive a grade of A in the production seminar course (both semesters). You must clearly indicate on your application form if you are taking the course for honors credit.

Specific requirements and deadlines are listed on the production seminar application form at these links: information (pdf) and application (online form).

Media FAQ - for the 36 Credit Media Studies Major Beginning fall of 2011

Can I use Media 180 to fulfill a GER (General Education Requirement)?
Yes . Media 180 may be used to fulfill a distribution requirement in Humanities and Arts.

Do I have to take production courses (MEDP) to fulfill my major?
Yes, MEDP/MEDPL 150 and MEDP 160 are required production course. For the General Media Studies Major, MEDP/MEDPL 150 and 160 are the only required production courses.

Can I use courses from the Film Department to fulfill my Media major?
Yes. A total of two (2) 200-level or 300-level FILM courses ( 1 production, and 1 analytical, or 2 analytical courses) may be counted toward the Media Studies major. Student must meet any prerequisites for these courses.

Can I take a double major in Film and Media? No.

Can I use 400-level courses toward the major?
No. All 400-level courses-401 (Independent Study), 402 (Honors Project), 498 (Internship)-are electives. These credits count toward the total of the bachelor's degree, but not toward the major.

Do internships count toward the major?
No. They count as elective credits. You may count up to 12 elective internship credits toward the degree.

Media FAQ - for the Old 24 Credit Media Studies Major Before fall of 2011

Can I use Media 180 to fulfill a GER (General Education Requirement)?
Yes . Media 180 may be used to fulfill a distribution requirement in Humanities and Arts.

Do I have to take production courses (MEDP) to fulfill my major?
No. If you choose, you can take up to four (4) 200-level courses toward the 24 credits of the major.

If I don't take any production courses to fulfill my major, how many analytical courses must I take?
Eight (8).

Can I use courses from the Film Department to fulfill my Media major?
Yes. A total of two (2) 200-l or 300-level FILM courses ( 1 production, and 1 analytical, or 2 analytical courses) may be counted toward the Media Studies major. Student must meet any prerequisites for these courses.

Can I take a double major in Film and Media? No.

Can I use 400-level courses toward the major?
No. All 400-level courses-401 (Independent Study), 402 (Honors Project), 498 (Internship)-are electives. These credits count toward the total of the bachelor's degree, but not toward the major.

Do internships count toward the major?
No. They count as elective credits. You may count up to 12 elective internship credits toward the degree.

Media FAQ - Minoring

What is the requirement for the minor under Media Studies?
You must take 15 credits in a single department or program. No specific courses are required, but there is a requirement of course levels. At least one 3-credit course must be taken at the 300-level and at least one at the 200 or 300 level. Two 3-credit courses may be at any level (100, 200, 300). In Psychology, Music and Chemistry only majors can take 300-level courses. These minors should take a second 200-level course.

Can I minor in FILM?

After I declare my major in Media Studies, must the department I am minoring in sign my major/minor form?
Yes, the minor department must sign and stamp the form.

Do I have to minor?
No, a minor is not required.

Can minor courses count toward the GER requirement?

Can major courses count toward the Pluralism& Diversity requirements?

If I have a double major in Media and another department, do I need a minor?

Faculty, Grad Program, Internships

Who are the full-time members of the faculty of the Media Program?
There is a list of full-time faculty and adjunct faculty with in the media department. Their names, office numbers, office hours, and phone numbers are posted in the Department Office and on our faculty/staff page.

How can I find out more about the graduate program (Integrated Media Arts/MFA) at Hunter College?
Go to:

How can I find out more about internships?
To visit the website go to:

Procedure to Access Transcripts

Website Address:

Enter the above web address to access ESIMS. Please click the down arrow button and choose Hunter College, then click on the submit button.

Step 2:
At the next screen, to the right of the login screen under ID, enter student's ID number or Social Security number.

Under PIN, please enter student's PIN number. PIN number has been preset to the student's birth date. Example: January 1, 1960 will be entered as 010160.

Transfer Students

All transfer students seeking to declare a Media Studies major who have taken MEDIA 180 at another college, must present an official transcript with their grade for the MEDIA 180. The MEDIA 180 course grade must be B or higher. The transcript must be presented to the Media Studies advisor upon seeking to declare the major.