Two students in a new data journalism class recently published work on Dateline:CUNY, a CUNY-wide web site showcasing top quality student projects.

Ezra Wolfgang, an honors student who graduated from the Media Studies/Journalism program this past spring, produced a report on student commuter stress. Wolfgang begins an internship at the assignment desk of ABC News this fall, after having previously served as a newsgathering operations intern at the news network.
And Jenny Shin, an honors student studying emerging media, published a report on New York’s museums, including how new admissions policies reveal diversity fault lines. This fall, Shin will continue an internship at the Cooper Hewitt, the Smithsonian Design Museum in New York.
Both Wolfgang and Shin were in the inaugural class of a “Data Journalism: Telling Stories With Numbers” course, launched last spring by Prof. A. Adam Glenn. Another student in the course, Barbara Sandoval, also had her data news project on New York’s LGBT community published on Dateline:CUNY earlier in the summer, along with the work of a half-dozen or more other Hunter students.