The CUNY TV magazine show Urban U featured a visual story by Hunter College journalism student Michael Tamsuriyamit in its March 2022 episode. The monthly show spotlights news about all things CUNY, including stories about students, faculty, alumni and university programs.

Originally produced for Professor Sissel McCarthy’s MEDPL 283: Visual Storytelling class last fall, his “Hunter Scholar Artist of the Week” is a nat sound story profiling 21-year-old Sima Sadykhov, a fellow journalism student who is also a four-time national dance champion.
Tamsuriyamit is no stranger to the camera. This past semester he produced, edited and anchored a 10-minute video news break recapping the latest headlines and stories from Hunter College.

BuzzFeed News also published one of Tamsuriyamit’s stories about how three young Asian Americans turned to online activism in response to the anti-Asian hate crimes during the pandemic.
With every story he reports on, Tamsuriyamit makes sure to stay true to not only the facts, but also his motto: “Because what matters is what’s worth talking about.”
Tamsuriyamit is a junior majoring in Media Studies with a journalism concentration who aspires to work in a TV newsroom after college covering local issues concerning New York City. He is currently interning with Asian American Life, a CUNY TV Emmy award-winning news magazine show focused on highlighting the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community.