Elvis Maynard, a student in the department, has made a short documentary about an artist and the evolution of a neighborhood (The East Village). Now his film has a chance to be shown on television. Go to http://www.thirteen.org/sites/reel13/category/vote/ and vote for “Jim, An East Village Story” to be shown on PBS this Saturday. All votes must be in by Wednesday at 5PM!
Film & Media student: Elvis MAYNARD’s Second Radio show on WHCS
“Et Cetera / Rewind with Elvis” is a new radio show on WHCS every monday from 5PM to 6PM (de 23h a minuit en France) :
Looking back, looking ahead, today’s show will be a bit more melothan previous weeks and include all things rock: The Ramones, Television, Velvet Underground, Indochine, Jesus and Mary Chain.
Time:5PM- 6PM Monday, March 15th
Listen live @ WHCS : http://whcs.hunter.cuny.edu/