
Pulitzer Reporting Fellowship Info Session

Pulitzer Center 2025 poster

Tues., Nov. 12 | 1PM
In Person (HN 503) or Zoom (see QR code on poster)

Interested in exposing the world and reporting on a topic of global importance?

The Pulitzer Center is partnering with Hunter College to support Reporting Fellowships on a wide range of issues including public health, the environment, justice, education, refugees, and migration. Mentorship and a $3,000 grant are provided.

Application deadline: Mar. 1, 2025

Questions? Contact Prof. Sissel McCarthy

Great career development opportunity for Media Majors, apply now

Film and Media is launching an exciting new partnership with CUNY’s Inclusive Economy (CIE) project – Starting in Spring 25, the program will give 200 Media majors comprehensive hands-on mentoring by dedicated career advisors and industry specialists. Participants will receive valuable workshops and be connected to industry insiders through field trips, career fairs, and personalized introductions. The program aims to place our Hunter Media students in paid internships and jobs in high-growth fields including:

CUNY CIE photo
  • social media management
  • communications and marketing
  • digital content production
  • multimedia journalism

We are looking for 200 enthusiastic media majors who want to take advantage of this valuable opportunity. You must have interest in developing your career and be committed to meeting with advisors and attending career preparation workshops/events at least 2-3 times per semester.

Apply now – should only take 5 minutes!