Monday Night Live!
Dec. 16 | 4PM | TV Studio (HN 436)
(Open to Hunter students, faculty, staff)
MEDP 310 Advanced TV Studio is producing a live, SNL-like, sketch comedy show on campus on Dec 16th! Written, produced and performed by Hunter students, all students and staff are invited to be a part of the live audience!
Directed by: Ella Burns
Produced by: Christine M. Coley
Executive Produced by: Peter Jackson
Prof. Gustavo Mercado’s book published
The Ukrainian edition of Prof. Gustavo Mercado’s book on lens techniques for cinematography, “The Language of the Lens” was recently published.
ArtHuss publishing just released Prof. Mercado’s book on lens techniques in the Ukrainian language. His book on cinematic composition will also be released soon by the same publisher. This edition joins the Spanish, French, Farsi, Korean, Turkish, Japanese, and Chinese translations, as well as an edition in the Russian language slated for later this year.
Hunter Film Society December events
The Film Society wishes you all a happy holidays and a reasonably restive finals! As we wrap up the semester, we have an incredible lineup of events and some exciting changes planned for the new year. Whether you’re a long-standing member or looking to get in on the best of campus festivities, mark your calendars for these not-to-be-missed gatherings:
December 4th: Holiday Tournament Winner Screening
Time: 2:30PM
Location: Hunter North 506
Join us as we showcase the winner of our Holiday Movie Tournament. The event will kick off with a brief prelude about the work, followed by a lively discussion. The film is TBD – chosen by the participating student body, the winner will be announced in the Hunter Film Society group chat. Voting is being conducted presently on our Instagram page @filmsocietyhc
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