
IMA students Katherine Machalek and Lizzie Warren’s 360/VR film

IMA students Katherine Machalek and Lizzie Warren presented a 360/VR film on grassroots activism against mining abuses in Guinea Thursday, November 16th from 6-7:30 pm at the CUNY Journalism School. The 360 video was shot in Guinea. It will provide advocates and communities with a new tool to help members of a community experience the transformation that mining can bring to their land.

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Prof. Ivone Margulies at Roosevelt House

Prof. Ivone Margulies facilitates Q&A with director Alex Dean and Susan Sarandon at Bombshell: The Hedy Lamar Story at The Roosevelt House, Hunter College.  The event was a part of the Feminist Institute.

Alex Dean with Susan Sarandon

IMA alum Grayson Earle’s cryptocurrency project

IMA alum Grayson Earle collaborated with The New Inquiry to develop a free, easy-to-use application called Bail Bloc, which mines for a cryptocurrency to help disadvantaged people in New York pay for their bail bills. The project was born as a response to the prison-industrial complex, which imprisons thousands of low-income people before they are even trialed, making them lose jobs or custody of children and subjecting them to plea bargains.

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