Search Results for "Open "

Prof. Tami Gold presenting at Film Lab

Prof. Tami Gold will be presenting at Film Lab 2017. She is a Filmaker, Educator and Artist who will be the Lab’s first Industry Spotlight of 2017, Rising Up Angry: Filmmaking for Social Justice. Prof. Gold will share clips and stories from two films: Every Mother’s Son, about three women who lose their sons to police violence and unite for justice and change, and Puzzles, about a hate crime in a gay bar in Massachusetts and the correlation between American economic desperation and homophobia, intolerance, and, ultimately, violence. There will be an open Q&A and opportunities for networking!

IMA alumna Betty Yu’s work on view

Flyer for the ExhibitIMA alumna Betty Yu will be presenting her work: Chinatown Art Brigade Art Exhibit, “Resilience/Resistance”.
Saturday, January 7th from 1-4pm at Pearl River Mart’s Gallery at 395 Broadway, NYC. The show will be up from Jan. 7-22.

Betty helped co-found the Chinatown Art Brigade with Tomie Arai and ManSee Kong last year and it’s exciting that this show will feature the works of 11 members and supporters of the Brigade.

The “Resilience/Resistance: Chinatown Art Brigade” exhibit puts a more diverse human face on gentrification by celebrating resilience and resistance, and by giving local residents a way to tell their own stories of displacement.
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