Student journalists looking to travel internationally to research a world issue of their choosing should submit their application for the Pulitzer Fellowship. Applications will be received until March 1st, 2023.
This opportunity offers the winning applicant a $3,000 stipend to pursue a journalistic project, whether as an article, photo essay, video, audio or more, and to publish their work on the Pulitzer Center website and in other news outlets.
With the help of Sissel McCarthy, director of the Hunter journalism program, the applicant can seek support and guidance to reach out to their prospective country.
“I’m here to narrow the story down so that it’s manageable. It’s got to be pretty well focused,” said McCarthy.
After finding their topic, the applicant must propose their ideal travel dates, location and itinerary. They will then create a total budget estimate, taking into account airfare, food, accommodations, records requests and translation services. The applicant must also answer questions regarding their proposal and include their resume and samples of their work.
The winner will work with the Pulitzer Center to create a concrete plan and be assigned a journalist mentor, who will give additional support throughout the entire process.
In addition, the opportunity includes a weekend all-expenses-paid trip to Washington D.C. in October to meet previous fellows from all over the country and other journalists.
Laila Gad, last year’s winning fellow, will spend this summer reporting on heat and aging in Singapore. She said she hopes the fellowship will help her grow her journalistic skills.
“Definitely realize that your interests are unique and not let fears hold you back from expressing yourself,” said Gad. “You miss all the shots you don’t take.”
The winner will be announced on April 2, 2024 at the Pulitzer Center Talk at the Roosevelt House at 6 p.m. Additionally, the talk will include Stephanie Hanes, who will speak on how climate change is empowering the next revolution.
Students who are interested in applying, or seeking help in brainstorming ideas, can contact Sissel McCarthy at sissel.mccarthy56@login.cuny.edu. All applications must be submitted no later than Friday, March 1, 2024.
To contact the Pulitzer Center for any questions regarding the fellowship, contact reportingfellows@pulitzercenter.org.
For more information on the Pulitzer Center Reporting Fellowships click here.