Year: 2021

Hunter students question MSNBC Anchor Ali Velshi

MSNBC Anchor Ali Velshi on zoom with Hunter students

More than 50 students turned out to hear journalist Ali Velshi talk about his long and storied reporting career with CNN and MSNBC, in a riveting discussion moderated by former CNN correspondent Mary Snow followed by a Q&A moderated by Professor Sissel McCarthy. 

Velshi’s reporting from Minneapolis in the wake of George Floyd’s murder last May, where he and his news crew were attacked at shot at with rubber bullets by Minneapolis police merely for doing their jobs, resonated with students the most. “Seeing the police fire on the media was surprising to me,” one student wrote of the clip Velshi showed of his team in Minneapolis. “I guess it was the first time I noticed the distrust and disdain for the media held by some Americans.” Others were impressed that President Donald Trump knew of Velshi enough to slander him publicly at a rally. “Yes, there may be some issues with media and journalism, but it should never be a reason to discredit them in such a manner,” one wrote. 

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Spotlight Reporter meets Data Journalism students

Matt Carroll

Professor Samantha Sunne’s Data Journalism class (MEDPL 297) met with the star of a journalism epic. 

Matt Carroll, a reporter portrayed in the award-winning movie “Spotlight,” spoke to students about his experience using data for reporting.

In the early 2000s, Carroll was a member of the Spotlight team, a group of investigative journalists at the Boston Globe. His reporting, which would now be referred to as “data journalism,” found connections that helped show the Catholic Church was covering up abuse on a massive scale. The team’s story sparked worldwide policy change and was the basis of the movie “Spotlight,” which won the Academy Award for Best Picture in 2016

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French Fashion, Women, and the First World War: A Virtual Tour

French Fashion, Women, and the First World War: A Virtual Tour
Fri., March 26 | 2PM  | Zoom
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In moments of great upheaval—such as in France during the First World War—fashion becomes more than a means of personal expression. As women throughout the country mobilized in support of the war effort, discussions about women’s fashion bore the symbolic weight of an entire society’s hopes and fears. This exhibition represents an unprecedented examination of the dynamic relationship between fashion, war, and gender politics in France during World War I. 

Co-sponsored with Hunter History and Film and Media Studies departments, and in collaboration with the Bard Graduate Center Gallery.