Prof. Kelly Anderson and IMA alum Ryan Joseph’s world premiere of “Rabble Rousers”

rabble rousers

World Premiere of Rabble Rousers: Frances Goldin and the Fight for Cooper Square
Firehouse Cinema (DCTV)
March 24-26

Filmmakers Ryan Joseph, Kathryn Barnier, Kelly Anderson and Dave Powell will be present at the evening screenings, along with special guests from the Cooper Square Community Land Trust and others
Link for tickets: use discount code RabbleDCTV for $12 tickets (regular price $16)

A trailblazing housing organizer and her diverse working class neighbors fight Robert Moses, the real estate industry and five mayors to create the first Community Land Trust in New York City – an oasis of permanent low-income housing in the heart of the rapidly gentrifying Lower East Side. This feature documentary was born 12 years ago when IMA alum Ryan Joseph and Hunter Urban Planning student Dave Powell met in an IMA class at Hunter College. The story is a gem of NYC history and an incredibly uplifting example of community planning and power. You can see more information on the film’s website: