
1st IMA Radio Show

IMA Radio: Sam, Sasha & Cassie | Live Weds. 11am-12pm

Check out the first IMA RADIO show on WHCS, Hunter College’s webcast radio station.

Show will include:

Vandana Sood on her web video project, The Taxi Takes on Terror
Marty Lucas on his new documentary film, Hiroshima Bound
An experimental audio piece by Kate Kunath
IMA News and Announcements

download radio show (MP3, right click and save).

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IMA Alum David Watson performs work at Harvestworks

Listen In with David Watson
Saturday March 6, 2010, 7 pm FREE

596 Broadway #602
New York City (at Houston St)

Harvestworks is pleased to present composer David Watson who is exploring and expanding the boundaries of the Highland Bagpipe instrument. This work was produced in part through the Harvestworks Artist In Residence Program.

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IMA Student: Nicole McNeill’s film featured

Nicole McNeill’s film “Father – Figure” is featured on

Father – Figure is a narrative exploring issues of selective memory. The artist’s
childhood memories of her family are illustrated with playful super 8 home movies, as her mother remembers happy family traditions. We learn that what we see on the surface of these seductive images is not all that meets the eye.