
New Issue of The Hunts Point Express is out!

A new issue of The Hunts Point Express, the community newspaper staffed by Hunter students covering the poorest neighborhood in the poorest Congressional District in the United States, is out. In the web version,, find stories on one of the worst apartment buildings in New York City and on the impact of federal budget cuts on local after-school programs and go to a circus where South Bronx teens fly and tumble and tightrope walk. Also, find videos produced by the Dutch students who visited Hunter for an intensive two-week video program.

Congrats to F&M Alum Azriel James Relph

Azriel James Relph graduated two years ago. His reporting for The Hunts Point Express, produced by Hunter’s Neighborhood News class, earned him a Sulzberger Scholarship to the CUNY j-school. When he graduated in December, he was hired by the investigative team of NBC News. Here’s what he does now, a sophisticated multi-media expose of a new form of sex slavery in the U.S.

“I’m proud to have been one of his teachers.”
– Bernard L. Stein