
Workshops & Critiques

Errol Morris producer Mark Lipson will be available to give IMA students critiques of their work, as well as showing his latest film TABLOID. Lipson also produced THE THIN BLUE LINE and FAST, CHEAP AND OUT OF CONTROL, helping put Errol Morris on the map. This is a great opportunity for IMA students to get feedback on their work. It will also be free.

Thursday, November 8th Mark will give a workshop from 10am-noon: “The Evolution of an Idea” which follows his films as case studies.
Critques with IMAs will follow from 2:00 PM -5:00 PM.
Friday, November 9th, Crits with Mark from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM.

Film Screening – Tabloid

Errol Morris producer Mark Lipson will be available to give IMA students critiques of their work, as well as showing his latest film TABLOID. Lipson also produced THE THIN BLUE LINE and FAST, CHEAP AND OUT OF CONTROL, helping put Errol Morris on the map. This is a great opportunity for IMA students to get feedback on their work. It will also be free.

TABLOID will screen Wednesday, November 7th at 6pm followed by a Q and A in the Lang Auditorium. Open to the Hunter College community.