Search Results for "Open "

IMA alumna Heidi Boisvert’s work at Soak Festival

IMA alumna Heidi Boisvert will be showing a very early (and short) version of a new work at Soak Festival on June 7th at 8 pm in Brooklyn.

Walking Wounded is a multi-media performance that gives voice to unspeakable experiences of trauma through generative sound and live drawing stemming from dancers’ internal milieu and unique gesture vocabulary. It offers a safe space for healing through kinesthetic engagement and the restoration of interpersonal connection established through touch. Erasing awareness and cultivating denial are often essential to survival. Through music and imagery generated from the inaudible sounds of the dancers’ nervous system, the piece re-composes narrative fragments, re-animating the life force that lies within often blocked or shattered bodies due to painful life experiences. Sonic vibration amplified through sub-woofers and set to Solfeggio frequencies serves to realign damaged attunement systems.
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IMA alumna Betty Yu’s work at the Whitney Museum

IMA alumna Betty Yu’s work at the Whitney Museum’s Study Sessions – a new ongoing event series inspired by Fred Moten and Stefano Harney’s notion of study as “what you do with other people.” For each Study Session, an artist, writer, or cultural worker selects an artwork on view in the Whitney’s galleries as a departure point for thinking through an urgent question in our contemporary political landscape. Participants are invited to join in open-ended discussions, and engage with creative practice. Study Sessions may take the form of workshops, listening parties, performances, readings, or film screenings.
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