
IMA alumna Pam Sporn’s film screening

Pam Sporn screening posterIMA alumna Pam Sporn’s documentary Detroit 48202 will be screening followed by discussion:
Weds., Nov 14th | 6:30PM
Barnard Campus | Milbank Hall 328

In DETROIT48202 we take a journey with Wendell along his route, which winds through the center of what was, once upon a time, a vital and thriving city. We listen in on his conversations with his customers – the resilient Detroiters who share stories of resistance: pushing back against racial segregation in housing; challenging industrial and political disinvestment; and living on reduced pensions as a result of the 2014 municipal bankruptcy. Our characters share stories of hope and propose creative ways to re-imagine an inclusive, productive, equitable and re-invigorated city. Read More

Prof. Kelly Anderson’s documentary UNSTUCK wins award!

Prof. Kelly Anderson’s documentary OCD kids Virginia Film Festival laurelsUNSTUCK: an OCD kids movie wins 2018 Virginia Film Festival Documentary Short Audience Award!

About the documentary:
Thousands of kids, teens and adults with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) are trapped in a vicious cycle of worries, intrusive thoughts and rituals. And while families and loved ones are desperate to help them, fighting OCD takes time and specialized therapy. To uncover what OCD is, and what it isn’t, filmmakers Kelly Anderson and Chris Baier focus on an unlikely group of experts: kids!
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