
Prof. Gustavo Mercado’s book published

gustavo mercado

Prof. Gustavo Mercado’s second book in The Filmmaker’s Eye series, The Filmmaker’s Eye – The Language of the Lens: The Power of Lenses and the Expressive Cinematic Image, was just published by Focal Press/Routledge.

About the book: 

The Filmmaker's Eye - Gustavo Mercardo's book cover

The Language of the Lens explores the expressive power of the camera lens and the storytelling contributions that this critical tool can make to a film project. This book offers a unique approach to learning how lenses can produce aesthetically and narratively compelling images in movies, through a close examination of the various ways lens techniques control the look of space, movement, focus, flares, distortion, and the “optical personality” of a story’s visual landscape. Like The Filmmaker’s EyeThe Language of the Lens combines precise technical instruction with narrative analysis and cinematic aesthetics considerations.

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