
Film Director Bertrand Bonello event

The Hunter College Department of Film and Media Studies presents:
Film Director Bertrand Bonello in conversation with Profs. Joe McElhaney and David Gerstner
Weds., Oct. 2, 2019  | 10AM-12PM
Hemmerdinger Hall (Room 705 East Building)
*Access through the Hunter College Library – 3rd floor Hunter East Building

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news literacy screenshots of home page

A new online platform dedicated to news literacy is up and running. Distinguished Lecturer and Director of the Journalism Program, Sissel McCarthy, created the site called News Literacy Matters to raise awareness about what she considers a new core competency. 

 “News literacy is a skill we all need to stay informed in the 21stcentury because as the tagline on our website says, all information is not created equal,” McCarthy said. “You also can’t rely on anyone but yourself to find credible information anymore.”  

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