upcoming news

Documentary and TV Production at Hunter

Hunter College Dept of Film & Media Studies
Presents: Documentary and TV Production at Hunter

Get to know the classes and the professors

Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Deans Hours
Refreshments served
Room 436 North
Open to all Hunter College students

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EYEspeak presents: Maximize The Manual Mode

Maximize The Manual Mode:
using f-stop, shutter speed, and iso in video and photo
Led by: Alex Mallis
RSVP to alex.mallis@gmail.com

Saturday, October 9th 1-4pm
Grad Computer Lab (544 HN)

Bring in your digital or film camera (motion or still) and learn what all those buttons and knobs are for. We’ll cover photo basics such as aperture (f-stop), shutter speed, film speed (ISO/ASA), and focus. We’ll talk about lenses, light-meters, depth of field, and motion blur. We’ll also talk about DSLR filmmaking. Come see how these variable settings interact with each other to produce different kinds of images.