upcoming news

IMA-MFA Thesis Show

Hunter North 4th Floor
TV Studio & Lang Theatre
Enter 69th St.

Emerging Media Lecture

Prof. Ricardo Miranda will be hosting a presentation by artist and creative technologist Brian House. Brian House will be visiting from noon to 1pm in HN 432. Brian works as an artist engaged with creative use of emerging technologies and is a “Creative Technologist” at the Research and Development Lab at the New York Times Company. Brian will briefly present his current research and work followed by discussion. Everyone in Film & Media is invited to attend the presentation and discussion.

Brian House’s portfolio is available at http://brianhouse.net/

He works at The New York Times Company Research & Development Lab: http://nytlabs.com/
At this site, a video featuring Brian discussing a recent project is available: http://nytlabs.com/projects/mirror.html