

Codes and Modes: Reframing Reality, Virtuality and Nonfiction Media

codes and modes
This version of the Codes and Modes Symposium aims to create an intervention into the uncritical excitement about virtual reality, augmented reality, artificial intelligence and machine learning to establish a space for conversations about long-term socio-cultural and neurobiological impacts. Presenters will discuss how theorists, activists and artists can develop useful frameworks to explore the complex implications of using these technologies. Featured speakers include Lev Manovich (CUNY Graduate Center), Mandy Rose (Co-Director of i-Docs), Daanish Masood (BeAnotherLab), and Lina Srvistava (Fouder of Cultural Innovation for Social Impact) and Dan Archer (Empathetic Media).

The Symposium is sponsored by the Integrated Media Arts MFA Program at Hunter College, the Department of Film and Media Studies at Hunter College and the Emerging Media Technologies Program at NYC College of Technology, the Entertainment Technology Department. The primary locations on the 17th and 18th are the Lang Theater and the Film and Media Television Studio on the 5th floor in the Hunter North building. The evening of the 16th will be in the glass room 3rd floor Hunter West.
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Prof. Tami Gold – Think Point Shoot: Is media ethics relevant today?

Think Point Shoot flyer

Prof. Tami Gold was one of the contributing authors of the book Think Point Shoot: Is media ethics relevant today? The book party will be hosted by Prof. Linda Stein, Wednesday, October 19, 2016
from 6:00 – 8:00 pm at the Linda Stein Studio (100 Reade Street, Tribeca, Manhattan Between West Broadway & Church St).

Come and meet the co-editors, Annette Danto and Lonnie Isabel, along with contributing
authors: Christine Choy, Tami Gold, Terilyn Shropshire, Yoruba Richen of Think/Point/Shoot.

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