

Martin Howse performance in the Black Box

Arts Across the Curriculum and the Integrated Media Arts MFA Program at Hunter College will host performer, Martin Howse. Martin Howse is this unique new media artist, who builds his own electronics and writes his own program for his performance. Howse traverses electromagnetic spectrum as a space for exploration that may be manipulated to generate sound and visual.

Friday, April 4th, 2014 at 7PM
Location: Black Box, Hunter North 543


Martin Howse Poster

The 2014 James Aronson Awards for Social Justice Journalism Awards Celebration

The 2014 James Aronson Awards for Social Justice Journalism Awards Celebration

Monday, April 28th, 2014
7 PM – 8:30 PM

Location: Roosevelt House, 47-49 East 65th Street, NY, NY 10065

Join renowned journalist and author Rebecca Carroll in honoring recent work by seven journalists from myriad publications, both large and small, that reflects the profound importance and impact of social-justice journalism in American society.

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