

IMA alum Hector Canonge September and October presentations

Hector Canonge presentation with a shrub figureAfter working for several months in Europe and Latin America, IMA alum Hector Canonge returned to New York City to continue with his artistic projects and launch new initiatives this Fall. Starting in September, the artist will be working on the implementation of “TALKaCTIVE,” a monthly conversation series about performance hosted at the Queens Museum. In October, Canonge will host “CONVIVIR,” an international arts residency program in his new space in Jackson Heights, Queens. For November, he brings back to the city “ITINERANT,” the annual festival for Live Action Art to take place in the five boroughs.
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Screening of IMA alum David Pavlosky’s Don’t Bring Scott

Don’t Bring Scott, a film by IMA alum David Pavlosky, has been selected to screen at this year’s edition of Cinema Diverse: The Palm Springs Gay and Lesbian Film Festival on Friday, September 18th at 11:00AM.

The film is a personal documentary portrait that investigates the roots of homophobia in the American family and its reinforcement via religion and society. When David’s working-class parents decide to celebrate their 46th wedding anniversary without inviting his life partner, this All-American, rural family is dragged into the 21st century.

Don't Bring Scott poster

IMA alumnae Samara Smith and A.E Souzis’ project

Tell-A-Commute advertisement that looks like a subway station signIMA alumnae Samara Smith and A.E Souzis, both artists from the collective /rive, produced a crowd-sourced visual diary named Tell-A-Commute. Using a series of interactive text messaging, the project invites New Yorkers to document and share photos of what they see during their daily commute on the NYC subway.

The artists’ collective, /rive, focuses on site-specific projects that meet at the intersection of psychogeography, locative media, and documentary narrative.