Professor Tami Gold and IMA Graduate and Media Studies Undergraduate students
visit a live broadcast of DEMOCRACY NOW with Amy Goodman, NYC,
November 2010
Author: admin
Students in Magazine Writing class launched “The Bridge”
The students of the Fall 2010 Magazine Writing class in the Film & Media department have launched a new magazine devoted to the cultural and artistic aspects of Hunter College.
The students came up with the name, “The Bridge: connecting Hunter to culture and the arts.” See: Students also determined the magazine’s logo and the look and feel of its site.
Here is how The Bridge’s current public relations officer, Lenis Lozano, a member of the class, describes it:
“The Bridge magazine is a Hunter College online publication devoted to exploring the rich diversity of cultures and arts on campus — as well as in New York City.
“Founded by students enrolled in the Fall 2010 Magazine Writing class in the Film & Media Department, The Bridge offers cultural features focusing on the passions, virtuosities, and lifestyles of Hunter students. It also provides opinion and commentary on the New York cultural scene with discussions of fashion, music, TV and film, as well as other arts important to Hunter students.
“Our team of editors, writers, critics, fashionistas, and bloggers, are what make this magazine inimitable.”
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Latest issue of The Hunts Point Express
The latest issue of The Hunts Point Express, the community newspaper staffed by
Hunter students covering the poorest neighborhood in the poorest Congressional
District in the United States, is out.
It includes stories on a parade to celebrate the “heroes” who helped rebuild the
neighborhood; a controversy over a homeless shelter; the rise of prostitution;
an ambitious effort to clean up the East and Bronx rivers; a hidden park; a city
programs to bring fresh food to the underserved neighborhood, and more. Find
them at