Year: 2020

Student Press Freedom Day

student press poster

Weds., Jan. 29 | 11:30AM-1:30PM
(outside the cafeteria in Hunter West)

Please come celebrate Student Press Freedom Day. Meet up with student journalists from The Envoy, The Athenian, WHCS and Hunter News Now to raise awareness about student journalism at Hunter and share story ideas with student reporters.

Congrats to FM student Janna McPartland

Janna McPartland

FM student Janna McPartland receives Office of the Arts Internship Award!

Janna McPartland is a senior at Hunter, studying film and human rights. This spring, she will be working at Take It to the Stage Films as a Crowdfunding and Development Intern for the feature film, DANNI, a story that explores relationship addiction and at what cost one becomes “clean” – or not. In her spare time, Janna enjoys dancing to 80s music, listening to Leonard Cohen and FaceTiming her cat.