Now in its 10th year!
Celebrate the annual interactive art show
Fri. Dec 13 | 5-7PM
Blackbox (HN 543)
Free & open to the public.
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Interactive Installation course showcase, iArt, promises to deliver fun surprises from this year’s student artists.
Join students from the Integrated Media Arts (IMA) MFA and Film & Media programs for an exciting display of interactivity across art and media. Taking place in Hunter’s Black Box Gallery, the exhibit looks to expand upon the ways we understand and experience the world around us.
Artists (alphabetical): Jessica Adjei, Jihye Ahn, Lawrence Castillo, Katie Doyle, Gregor Erdman, Lee Favorite, Dylan Marcheschi, Camila Marchon, Suhyeon Park, Jose Eros Salazar, Dongni Yang, Saul Zelaya