Come to the i-ART show!

iArt Interactive Installation Show WHEN: Fri, December 15th | 5-7 PM

WHERE: The Black Box gallery (HN 543)
695 Park Avenue
(69th Street between Lexington & Park Ave.)

WHY: Because you’ll like it!


December 15th lights up with Interactive Installation students’ art show!

Check out, i-Art, this year’s cutting-edge interactive installation event, where you can touch the art, play with it and even try to outsmart it while you jump right into the action.

Immerse yourself in thought-provoking digital installations that deal with relevant social and political issues. Make digital music with uniquely programmed and crafted instruments.

In a world where we are connected to our cell phones night and day, it’s easy to take the wonders and complexities of technology for granted. The digital artists in this show are working day and night on projects to flip the conversation.

They embrace light, sound, video, sculpture, everyday items from their homes and the street to examine cultural identity, collective memory, and even global diplomacy.

Join us — you can’t beat the price: It’s free and open to the public.