Year: 2016

IMA alumna Heidi Boisvert’s project on dotNYC

IMA alumna Heidi Boisvert was invited to talk about & give a live demo of the XTH Sense on dotNYC, a new webcast about New York City’s tech community recorded live in Times Square at the CUNY J-School.

Her project has also been featured in NY Media Center.

IMA alumni and students at Brooklyn Museum & AgitProp

The Illuminator (members include IMAers – Grayson Earle, Anna Ozbek, Becky Holladay, Rachel Brown, Hugo Genes and Shaun Persaud) will be projecting your thoughts about displacement and affordable housing on the back of the Brooklyn Museum using the People’s Pad, an open source technology they’ve developed to transform ink on paper into projectable digital content. They will also be sharing some Palestinian thoughts on the topic of displacement, and their responses to the This Place exhibit. The performance is an extension of the project “Where in Brooklyn Do Vultures Roost?” which is currently on display in the AgitProp! show until August 7th.