Year: 2015

IMA alumna Annie Berman presenting VR film

Utopia_viewmastersIMA alumna Annie Berman will be presenting at Utopia 1.0: Post-Neo-Futurist-Capitalism in 3D! An immersive VR film experience presenting a documentary on the digital ruins and last days of the online world Second Life inside a virtual theater.

What began as a nonfiction film by filmmaker Annie Berman has been transformed into an interactive, immersive 3D experience for Oculus Rift during the team’s summer residency at Art-a-Hack.

“RFK in the Land of the Apartheid” screening

Producer Prof. Larry Shore’s “RFK in the Land of the Apartheid: A Ripple of Hope” screened at Catalina Theatre in Durban, South Africa. He is also featured on US Embassy’s South Africa site.

Poster for RFK in the Land of Apartheid: A Ripple of Hope screening