Year: 2015

Prof. Ricardo Miranda’s installation at Transitio_MX

Prof. Ricardo Miranda will be presenting the installation “A geography of being: una geografia de ser” as part of Transitio_MX, Festival de Artes Electrónicas y Video, 25 September through 4 October, National Center of the Arts, Mexico City. The festival consists of various exhibitions, workshops, lectures and discussions. Prof. Miranda’s work is part of the exhibition “Play ≠ Game [play[not]game] //Más allá de la caja negra (beyond the black box)” curated by Brian Mackern.
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YouTube University Roadshow at Hunter College

Youtube University Roadshow at Hunter CollegeCome join an info session led by YouTube’s Content Partnership Team on how students can effectively leverage the YouTube platform and share their creative work with the world. (See flyer)

Wednesday, September 30
Lang Theater HN-424
Hunter College

photo credit: Tami Gold