Year: 2011

IMA Alum Hector Canonge presents his work around the city

IMA Alum Hector Canonge will be presenting his art work around the city:

“Eyes Without A Face” at FLUX FACTORY-Through May 1, 2011
“Luminous Coils”
at EYELEVEL BQE GALLERY -Through May 7, 2011 &
at THE GOWANUS STUDIO SPACE -Opening April 29, 2011

For more info contact:

IMA alum Hector Canonge launches TRACE-ABLE

IMA alum Hector Canonge launches TRACE-ABLE in Queens

Public Performance Art Intervention Series
April – June, 2011

Manuel de Dios Unanue Triangle Park
83rd Street at Roosevelt Avenue
Jackson Heights, Queens, NYC.
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IMA student Chloe Smolarski’s documentary

IMA student Choloe Smolarski and Tasha Darbes PHD student at NYU team up to work on a documentary – “Admissions“.

Admissions from chloe smolarski on Vimeo.

The economic crisis heralded in a wave of anti- immigrant rhetoric, the Dream Act got national coverage but finally failed and public education continued to experience massive cuts. 
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