Tag: welcome to pine hill

IMA student Alexander Mallis’ screening

Alexander Mallis will be premiering his short film “The Last colorful Note” at the Northside Film Festival and “Welcome to Pine Hill” a feature film which he DP’d on will premier at BAM Cinefest.


Monday, June 18th, 5pm

Nitehawk Cinema, 136 Metropolitan Avenue  Brooklyn


Saturday, June 23rd, 4:30pm

BAM Cinema, 30 Lafayette Avenue, Brooklyn

IMA student Alex Mallis’ film screening

IMA student Alex Mallis has two films playing this weekend at the Independent Film Festival of Boston. The first is a short documentary, Spoils: Extraordinary Harvest, a 20 minute film about dumpster diving. More info here: www.analectfilms.com/spoils

The second film, Welcome to Pine Hill, is a feature narrative/doc hybrid he worked on as the D.P. The film has won at Slamdance, Atlanta, Nashville, and Sarasota. More info on that film here: http://welcometopinehill.com/

Spoils will screen on Saturday at 2:30pm, and Pine Hill will screen on Sunday at 8pm – both at the Somerville Theatre in Cambridge.