Tag: MFA

Martin Howse performance in the Black Box

Arts Across the Curriculum and the Integrated Media Arts MFA Program at Hunter College will host performer, Martin Howse. Martin Howse is this unique new media artist, who builds his own electronics and writes his own program for his performance. Howse traverses electromagnetic spectrum as a space for exploration that may be manipulated to generate sound and visual. https://www.facebook.com/events/240994072752308/

Friday, April 4th, 2014 at 7PM
Location: Black Box, Hunter North 543


Martin Howse Poster

Integrated Media Arts MFA accepting Fall 2014 applications

The Integrated Media Arts at Hunter College (IMA MFA) is now accepting applications for the Fall 2014 class. The admissions deadline is coming this March 1st, 2014.

IMA MFA welcomes prospective students to apply from all backgrounds who demonstrate an interest in developing as an artist through this specialized integrated curriculum. A portfolio application is required as well as a project summary and personal statement submitted online in addition to the Hunter College Graduate Admissions Application Requirements. For information on the curriculum, community, and how to apply, please visit the IMA MFA website.

Feel free to contact IMA at integrated.media.arts@hunter.cuny.edu for questions or to arrange an in person meeting with program representatives or faculty members in the upcoming weeks.
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