Tag: Marty Lucas

Prof. Marty Lucas’ film screening

Cold Shutdown: Fukushima One Year After, Prof. Marty Lucas’ recently completed doc is a visit with Fukushima citizens as they come together in the face of government indifference and ineffectuality to deal with the legacy of nuclear fallout from the Dai Ichi Disaster that still covers thousands of square miles of Japan. The half-hour film is playing at:

The Park Slope Food Coop
782 Union Street, Brooklyn, between 6th and 5th Aves.
Friday, November 2, at 7:00PM
Free screening, open to the public.

Prof. Lucas will be presenting the film.

Prof. Marty Lucas’ screening

What goes around, comes around. In the 1970s, in a previous period of economic crisis, the big New York banks took direct control of city government through a tool called the Emergency Financial Control Board. Tighten Your Belt, Bite the Bullet, Marty Lucas’ 1980 documentary details the fiscal crisis and cutbacks in services of New York and Cleveland that presaged the Reagan/Thatcher Era. The film is playing at Anthology Film Archives on Thursday June 14th at 8:45PM and Saturday, June 16, 6:30PM.  Jonathan Miller, Marty and his co-director will be introducing and doing a Q&A at the Saturday screening.

1st IMA Radio Show

IMA Radio: Sam, Sasha & Cassie | Live Weds. 11am-12pm

Check out the first IMA RADIO show on WHCS, Hunter College’s webcast radio station.

Show will include:

Vandana Sood on her web video project, The Taxi Takes on Terror
Marty Lucas on his new documentary film, Hiroshima Bound
An experimental audio piece by Kate Kunath
IMA News and Announcements

download radio show (MP3, right click and save).

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