Tag: IMA

IMA Faculty, Alumni and Students present @ Guggenheim Lab

Prof. Kelly Anderson and IMA Alum Fivel Rothberg present their documentary “My Brooklyn.”  This past Friday they were featured on the NY Times Local and The Huffington Post Kelly was interviewed by a cool blog – Jeremiah’s Vanishing New York.  Kelly and Fivel programmed and presented for an entire afternoon at the BMW Guggenheim Lab on Saturday

The Saturday’s evening discussion included our own Prof. Marty Lucas and fellow IMA alum Sebastian Gutierrez – who programmed the entire afternoon yesterday. 

IMA Students Sasha Wortzel and Kate Kunath will be presenting Screening: The Starlite Project: We Came to Sweat (2011, USA, 70 min.)

IMA Alum Sebastian Gutierrez
presents Documenting the other Lower East Side – Loisaida

IMA alum Andrew Demirjian’s work

Presentation on making sonic and visual patterns with data:

IMA alum Andrew Demirjian will present his new work The Week in Review an audiovisual installation that maps the stock price fluctuations of the three largest music companies. Andrew will discuss the process of sonifying and visualizing large data sets and generative pattern making with Max/MSP Jitter as well as collaborating with Harvestworks to bring the project to life.

Thursday, July 28 · 7:00pm – 8:30pm

596 Broadway #602
New York, NY

IMA alumna Vandana Sood’s screening

IMA alumna Vandana Sood’s ‘The Taxi Takes-women and Islam’ will be screening on July 27, 2011 7:00 pm at Alwan for the Arts. The film will be part of the second New York Arab and South Asian Video slam at Alwan for the Arts.