
Profs. Tami Gold & Kelly Anderson’s film screening

Out At Work will be screening on June 24th. In 1992 Cheryl Summerville, a cook at a Cracker Barrel restaurant in Georgia, received a termination paper stating she was fired for ”failing to demonstrate normal heterosexual values”. She was shocked to discover that in more than 40 states it was legal to fire workers for their sexual orientation.  Out At Work chronicles the stories of three workers who seek workplace safety, job security and benefits for gay and lesbian workers.  (1999, 56 min, Directed by Tami Gold and Kelly Anderson) (Tickets)

Prof. Larry Shore guest speaker at Yale Club

Larry Shore

Prof. Larry Shore will be the guest speaker at the Yale Club of NYC on “How and Why English Rugby Became American Football” (July 12th | 6:30PM). Prof. Shore teaches courses on Media, Sports and Society; Global Communications; Internet and Society, and Media and Politics.