
IMA alumni’s documentary “The Domino Effect” screening

Please join IMA alumni Megan Sperry and Daniel Phelps
Friday March 23rd at 7pm for a “sneak peek” screening of their film, The Domino Effect at Hunter College (68th St. & Lexington Ave.) in the
Lang Recital Hall, Hunter North 4th Floor.

This screening is presented by Hunter College Urban Planning and the Integrated
Media Arts programs. There will be a discussion after the film with the

The Domino Effect is a feature length documentary film that explores the process
of real estate development in New York City and digs deep to uncover the complex
networks of banks, developers, politicians, and non-profit organizations that
shape our cities. During the last decade, the North Brooklyn communities of
Williamsburg and Greenpoint, have experienced the negative impacts of excessive
luxury development and gentrification, more than any other neighborhood in New
York. Told through the voices of longtime residents, the film conveys the
personal impact of real estate development in their community while also
shedding light on issues encountered by residents of cities across the country.

IMA alum Dan Perez de la Garza’s video featured

IMA alum Dan Perez de la Garza is featuring his thesis video entitled “Chimping”. It depicts the struggle of professional photojournalists to survive in the era of “citizen journalism”, showcased by the Atlantic.