
IMA alumna Julia Haslett’s screening

A documentary Julia Haslett’s worked on while in the IMA program is showing at Quad Cinema.

AN ENCOUNTER WITH SIMONE WEIL tells the story of French thinker, labor activist, and mystic, Simone Weil (1909-1943)––a young woman willing to die for her convictions. Told in a personal essay style, the film connects Weil’s ideas about social justice and the horrors of militarism to the present day. She was an extraordinary woman who has been championed by the likes of Albert Camus and Susan Sontag, and, most recently, Michael Moore who gave the film an award this year at the Traverse City Film Festival. Here’s his description:

“Julia Haslett has made a profound and moving film on a woman who continues to speak to all of us. Few Americans know of Simone Weil, but this deeply affecting documentary will make you want to know more. AN ENCOUNTER WITH SIMONE WEIL challenges all of us not to look the other way when we see the suffering of others. Julia’s personal journey through the film is both heartbreaking and inspiring.”

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IMA alumna Laurie Sumiye’s installation at Belfast Botanical Gardens

Laurie Sumiye’s unique video installation House of Glass will take place at the Tropical Ravine in Botanic Gardens on March 28, 2012 at 8:00 PM.

For one night only. Laurie will provide a brief introduction to her work from 8.15pm.

House of Glass is a video installation that captures intimate views of the Tropical Ravine House in the Belfast Botanical Gardens, built in 1889 to house exotic plants unable to survive outdoors. A unique Victorian-era greenhouse, the heated glass and brick structure was built as a sunken glen that allowed plants to take root in the ground. Video is projected upon the glass facade of the Tropical Ravine House and viewed at “plant-level”; glistening images of foliage hint at a human presence that enables tropical and temperate plants such as ferns, palms and hibiscus to flourish. It tells a story of a flower; born in a greenhouse in a pot, transplanted, and nurtured to live forever in a man-made house of glass. For more information contact the Digital Arts Studios Manager on 02890 312900 or email Or visit

IMA student Cassie Wagler’s screening

IMA student Cassie Wagler will be screening her work at The Graduate Arts Association at Baruch.

Intersections film poster

COP SYNC: COP SYNC channels radical politics through the voices of
police officers. These cops were caught in action defending the rights
of Occupy movements across the country. Their motto: To serve and

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