
First IMA/MFA Thesis Work-in-Progress Workshop

The first IMA/MFA Thesis Work-in-Progress Workshop sponsored by the IMA Development Fund, will take place on Monday, April 30th @ 7:30PM in Hunter North 502/Screening Room. Graduate students presenting include: Ghen Zando-Dennis, Stephanie Rabins, and Sasha Wortzel. All IMA students not presenting are encouraged to attend as observers.
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IMA student Sam Feder’s screening

Sam Feder’s teaser from her film will be shown at Kate’s book launch Tuesday, May 1st 7:00 PM.
A 10-minute teaser will screen after the reading.

The 10-minute teaser will also be screening this Sunday, May 6th, 2pm at PS1 along with Kate Bornstein’s book launch.