
IMA alumni Melissa Nicolardi and Kalim Armstrong’s screening

IMA alumni Melissa Nicolardi and Kalim Armstrong will be screening The Pass It On Project at Roulette, on Atlantic Ave at 3rd Ave in Brooklyn following the TEDx conference on Freedom and Democracy: Education for Change. The screening will be free and open to the public (doors 3PM, screening 3:20PM) immediately after the conference.

Prof. Kelly Anderson’s “My Brooklyn” screenings

A new set of My Brooklyn screenings — in the great borough of Brooklyn and beyond (in Sweden in fact!)

Wednesday night, Sept. 19th – screening at the Brooklyn Public Library (Grand Army Plaza Branch) at 7pm.
more information here. This screening is free and open to the public.

Saturday, Sept. 22nd – first screening in a community-reclaimed outdoor vacant lot! At 7pm, hosted by 596 Acres at Myrtle Village Green (636 Myrtle Avenue between Kent and Franklin). More info and rsvp here.

Wednesday, Oct. 3rd – screening at Long Island University’s Kumble Theater in Downtown Brooklyn, right next to Fulton Mall! The event starts at 6pm.

Finally, My Brooklyn has been selected for the ArchFilm Festival in Lund, Sweden. Details coming soon.

IMA alumna Julia Haslett’s screening at DCTV

An Encounter with Simone Weil
Thu, 10/04/2012 – 7:30pm
DCTV, 87 Lafayette Street, NYC

An Encounter with Simone Weil tells the story of French philosopher, activist, and mystic, Simone Weil who spent most of her too-short life advocating for the rights of the socially and politically disadvantaged. On her quest to understand Simone Weil, filmmaker Julia Haslett confronts profound questions of moral responsibility both within her own family and the broader context of 21st century America.

The film had its World Premiere in competition at IDFA, and since then has played at numerous film festivals around the world including Full Frame, DokuFest Kosovo, San Francisco Jewish Film Festival, and Traverse City Film Festival, where Michael Moore awarded it his Special Founder’s Prize.

The screening will be followed by a Q&A with filmmaker Julia Haslett.

more info