
Eyespeak screening

peredaIMA student group, Eyespeak will be welcoming renowned filmmaker Nicolás Pereda to screen The Palace at Hunter College (North Building – Room 502) on Wednesday, March 22nd, at 6:30PM. Nicolás will be in attendance for a Q&A and a conversation about his work after the screening.

Nicolás uses elements and techniques from non-fiction and narrative films to touch upon daily life, society, and relationships of power. The conversation will explore the filmmaker’s collaboration with non professional actors, and the relationship between performance and representation.

Free and open to the public but please RSVP.
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Congrats to Media Studies/journalism student Amy Russo!

Congrats to Media Studies/journalism student Amy Russo on her selection as the first Pulitzer Center fellow from Hunter College!

Amy will receive a $3,000 fellowship to report on refugee children in Sweden. More than 35,000 unaccompanied minors from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan are now living in Sweden, straining resources and creating unprecedented demands on youth shelters and counseling services. Amy will report and write an online story and produce an audio slide show that will be published by the Pulitzer Center upon her return. She will also attend a fellows weekend in the fall in Washington DC to meet other fellows and professional journalists.
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