
IMA alumna Jing Wang interviewed on SinoVision

Jing_interview_Sino_VisionIMA alumna Jing Wang was interviewed about her recent projects on New York Lounge show on the Chinese-American network SinoVision.

Jing’s talked about her thesis film My name is Jing. The film explores personal memories to contextualize the impact of the rapid social and economical changes on the Chinese community over the past five decades. She also spoke about her contributions to the exhibition “Age of Empires: Chinese Art of the Qin and Hun Dynasties” held at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

IMA student Rachel Brown’s project

IMA student Rachel Brown’s thesis project, Disorderedis a collaborative and participatory street art which aims at destigmatizing mental health issues and reframing it as a societal issue. Participants will express what they learned from depression and anxiety and possible changes to promote better mental health by making signs and adding ideas to a sharing board. This project will take place at a pop-up in these locations:
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