
Hunter students show work in Hong Kong with Prof. Marty Lucas

Hunter Hong Kong presentation
Hunter FM students Karina Sanchez, Kate Flynn, Tarek Bouraque, Samantha Farinella and Emily Collins answer questions at screening with HKBU students at the Film Academy in Hong Kong, September, 2018.

In September, Hunter Film and Media students and faculty travelled to Hong Kong as the second part of an exchange with the Film Academy at Hong Kong Baptist University that brought HKBU students to Hunter last April. Students enjoyed sharing their films and their experiences across cultural and geographic boundaries. As student Karina Sanchez noted “I never imagined I would be traveling to Asia so soon in my life.” The week-long visit was supported by Hunter Education Abroad.


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Congrats to IMA alum Mariano Wainsztein!

Congratulations to IMA alum Mariano Wainsztein! He is the recipient of a LABA: A Laboratory for Jewish Culture Fellowship 2018. Mariano was born in Argentina and raised in Israel. He is a composer and a filmmaker. He has won prestigious awards from Franklin Furnace Archive for performance art in 2000 and from the National Board of Review of Motion Pictures in 2011. Mariano is a community teaching artist at Educational Alliance and is an adjunct professor in the Film and Media Department at Hunter College.