
Former WNBC anchor Mary Civiello spent an afternoon with Prof. McCarthy’s news video students

students with WNBC Mary CivielloFormer WNBC anchor Mary Civiello spent an afternoon with Professor McCarthy’s news video students, reviewing their first stand-ups. Civiello explained that stand-ups can provide a transition in the middle of a story or an ending that showcases a journalist’s on-the-scene reporting. Her top tip:  it’s what you say but also how you say it. Several times, she told students to think about what the words in their standup meant to them and to bump up their energy level as if they were speaking or reading to young children. She also advised anyone on camera to keep their arms bent at waist level so they could use their hands more naturally when speaking.

Research Tips for News Literacy Class

Tony Doyle
Librarian Tony Doyle shares research resources with News Literacy students.

Macaulay honors students in Prof. Sissel McCarthy’s news literacy class took a deep dive on how to find both primary and secondary sources for their final research paper with media studies librarian Tony Doyle.

Media studies librarian Tony Doyle takes Macaulay honors students on tour of research resources for their News Literacy course. Students will be writing about how they use their news literacy skills to find and evaluate news stories about a top issue of the day, like Medicare for all or arming teachers in schools.

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