
MovieMaker Magazine reviews Prof. Mercado’s book, “The Language of the Lens”

moviemaker TLOTL review front page

MovieMaker Magazine, “the nation’s leading resource on the art and business of making movies and the world’s most widely read independent film magazine” gave professor Mercado’s recently published book in The Filmmaker’s Eye series, The Language of the Lens, a glowing review: 
“For the new moviemaking generation, The Language of the Lens can serve as a reference point of how some of cinema’s greatest auteurs make use of the lens, as well as a key for how to use the tool. After reading The Language of the Lens, moviemakers will be equipped with the ultimate knowledge to command any lens, from an iPhone to the most expensive glass money can buy”
Their full review can be found in their Summer 2019 issue, available at newsstands everywhere, and at the following link.

OCD awareness week film screening and discussion

Thurs., Oct. 17, 2019 | 6-8PM
Hunter College, Lang Recital Hall 
4th Floor North Building
RSVP (click here)

OCD Movie logo and eventi image

Prof. Kelly Anderson’s film UNSTUCK: an OCD kids movie and the premiere of Jay Chieh-Chun Lee’s film Involuntary Repetition as Everyday Life (made in Prof. Michael Gitlin’s Microcultural Incidents Class). A panel discussion will follow after the screening. This will also be relevant for students interested in crafting distribution campaigns that prioritize community engagement in non-traditional settings, including robust social media engagement.

As part of OCD Awareness Week 2019, the Hunter College Department of Film and Media Studies presents:

How a Film Helped Heal, Build Community and Challenge Stereotypes

Featured Films:
UNSTUCK: an OCD kids movie
Involuntary Repetition as Everyday Life
Panel discussion with OCD experts & filmmakers 

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